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Statutory holidays for Canadians

Since September 2019, I’ve been the cleanest-designed authority on Canada’s stat holidays: helping working-class canucks sleep in, have afternoon barbeques, drive to Peterborough, or whatever else you might do on a 3-day weekend.

Inspired by the popular bank holidays page on GOV.UK, I initially built a little Next.js app as part of a technical exploration for a project with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Originally a Java API + React UI multi-container microservice thing, it made for a good reference architecture but was overly complex for long-term occasional maintainence. So I smushed both halves into a zippy little Node app that serves JSON && HTML with minimal faff and major SEO (on some search engines ). is a small but instructive example of a soup-to-nuts modern web app. It was quick to build, fast to release, it auto-deploys on merge, it’s hella accessible, it’s iterated based on user feedback, and it doesn’t solve problems it doesn’t have. Currently it’s #3 on Bing dot com, so it might be coming soon to an Edge browser near you.

If you have issues with the font rhythm, take it up with Tyler Benning.